Rabu, 5 Mei 2010

Introducing Saree Silk!

Introducing new high ended pieces in market, Saree Silk. Kain sangat lembut, exclusive & diimport terus dari India. Fabrik sangat berkualiti dengan buatan yg sangat halus. RM 480 di pasaran, tapi kat sini bole dapat dgn harga RM 330.

KS 008 - Saree Silk 2 tones (Merah+ Kelabu)

The most gorgeous of all. I don't have to say more about grey and red.

High ended piece to go to any function.

Market Price: RM 480
Our Price: RM 330 only!!!

KS 007 - Saree Silk 2 tones (Biru + Hijau)

Cantik kan? Bole match dgn scarf/shawl warna hijau muda

In real, kain ni lg cantik

Kaki kain

Market Price: RM 480

Our Price: RM 330 only!!!

KS 006 - Saree Silk 2 tones (Orange+Kelabu)

Adorable Colour Kelabu+Orange

Sgt classy kalau matchkan dgn tudung/shawl orange
Dgn sedikit corak Bunga Matahari

Kaki Kain

Market Price: RM 480
Our Price: RM 330 only!!!

KS 005 - Saree Silk (KS 005 - Saree Silk (Kelabu+Merah+Hijau+Coklat Muda)

This is my favourite because of the sweet colour combination Kelabu+Merah+Hijau+Coklat Muda.
Worth to own this baby!

Hujung Kain

Market Price: RM 480

Our Price: RM 330 only!!

KS 004 - Saree Silk 3 tones (Orange + Merah+ Kelabu)

Bewarna Kelabu + Merah + Orange

Kaki Kain - Kelabu + Merah
Recommended sbb so Georgeous!!

Market Price: RM 480
Our Price: RM330 only!!!

KS 003 - (Orange + Kelabu + Hijau)

Main surface bewarna Orange + Kelabu + Hijau

Orange + Kelabu + Hijau

Hujung Kain - Polka Dot Orange

Market Price: RM 480
Our Price: RM 330 only!!!

KS 002 - Saree Silk 2 tones (Orange + Kelabu)

Main suface bewarna Kelabu + Orange + bercorak hitam

Kaki Kain

Market Price: RM 480

Our Price: RM 330 only!!!

KS 001 - Saree Silk 3 tones (Coklat + Coklat Muda + Biru Muda)

The main surface of kain bewarna Coklat + Coklat Muda

Kaki kain bewarna Coklat + Coklat Lembut + Biru Muda.

Biru + Coklat = Kombinasi warna unik!!

Market Price: RM 480

Our Price: RM 330 only!